Birth Stories – Water Birth in Fort Worth, TX

mariapokluda birth stories, water birth

Some of our clients enjoy sharing their birth stories and photography in order to encourage and inspire others.  We share these from time to time.  Hope you enjoy!Fort Worth Doula

It is cool to have a hospital that offers women a chance to labor and birth in the water. This client found herself in labor after her water broke in the middle of the night, but not too much was happening at that point. However, with rush hour (or hours as it is in the Dallas and Fort Worth area!)  looming, we decided to meet at the hospital.  Her care providers encouraged her to see if we could get things going and so we walked a little, birth balled a little, got meds for GBS….and contractions kicked in just as we had hoped.  As the contractions reached the height of their intensity, mom got in the tub and she had a lovely water birth catching her own baby as he surfaced.

Water birth is almost always an option for out of hospital birthing, however it is not an option at most hospitals in the area at this time with the exceptions of Texas Health Harris hospitals in Fort Worth and Cleburne. However, water labor used as a comfort measure is available in many hospitals in both Dallas and Fort Worth.  If you are interested in using water as part of your labor, let us know and we can help you find the perfect provider.