DFW Placenta Encapsulation
Have a HAPPY postpartum.
Placenta encapsulation is a popular service that turns your placenta into easy to use products designed to help you have a happier postpartum.
Here are just a few reasons why families choose encapsulation.
Your health and safety are our priority.
We are the only encapsulators in DFW that offer placenta pickup by professional medical couriers. You will never have to worry about your placenta being picked up quickly or safely. We also never process your placenta near other food prep, pets or children. We set the standard for safety in the Dallas and Fort Worth area and over 1200 families have trusted us with their placentas.

Encapsulation Service Includes:

- Most packages include a transportation kit sent to you prior to delivery to facilitate your placenta’s safe transport. This kit meets state and Federal guidelines.
- Pick up of the placenta from your place of birth by licensed and HIPAA compliant medical couriers.
- Return of the processed placenta in 2 to 3 days.
Our encapsulators are experienced and carry certification in blood borne pathogens, placenta processing and a food handler’s license.
Simply call 833 – PLACNTA for pick up.
We encourage ordering in advance of your due date if you want our transport kit, however we’ll happily pickup your placenta even without an advanced order.
In the state of Texas, all hospitals are required by law to allow women to take their placentas off the premises. This means that no matter where you choose to birth your baby – your placenta is yours to keep.
If there is a medical issue that arises making your placenta unsafe to encapsulate, you will be refunded.