Baylor All Saints Fort Worth Doula

Having a Baby at…Baylor All Saints

mariapokluda hospital birth, What to Expect Series

Are you considering having  your baby at Baylor All Saints in Fort Worth, Texas? Great Expectations Doulas believe that when expecting families match their goals and desires with a hospital or other place that supports those goals then labor is almost always a good experience. Since hospitals vary so much in what they offer, our “What to Expect” series explores …

Cut It Out by Theresa Morris – Go Read It

mariapokluda C-section, Cesarean, Coppell, Cut It Out, Dallas, doula, evidenced based, Fort Worth, hospital birth, natural birth

Cut It Out by Theresa Morris brings new insight to what she calls the Cesarean epidemic in American. This a must read for expecting women and anyone who works with them including OBs, nurses, doulas, childbirth educators and midwives. Read why, you will be surprised.

hospital gown dallas doula

Does This Gown Make Me Look Fat?

mariapokluda hospital birth, hospital gown

Ah, the lowly hospital gown.  It isn’t much to look at and for moms planning to breastfeed, it isn’t all that practical once the baby arrives.  However, donning the gown is often one of the very first rituals of giving birth in a hospital.  Most women don’t even think twice about shedding whatever maternity clothes they arrived in and changing …